Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Qing Kangxi colorful Mandarin duck tapetificate figure story plate

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 Kangxi of Qing Dynasty


 Diameter D35.2


"Yuanyang Sashes" written by the people of the Ming Dynasty, Yang Xianhailin, tells the tortuous love story of the troubled scholar Yang Zhifang and Zhang Shuer。The book is named after the white jade mandarin duck tapeworm given to Yang Zhifang by Zhang Shuer。The scene in the picture tells the story of Yang Zhifang friend Hu Ping received the imperial decree as the marshal of the army to go to the North of the Saibei, Zhang Shuer danced for the plot。The dancer in the center of the picture on the square carpet is Zhang Shuer, and the woman sitting opposite is Hu Ping's wife。

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Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD  

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