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Reading the series of paintings Gu Hongzhong "Han Xizai Dinner"



The Drawing of Han Xizai's Evening Banquet is a painting by Gu Hongzhong, a painter in the Southern Tang Dynasty during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. Gu Hongzhong, after attending the evening banquet at Han Xizai's home under the orders of Li Yu, the late emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty, came back to the palace and painted it from memory based on the things and people's expressions he had observed at that time。This painting shows Han Xizai and his guests listening intently to the pipa playing。The red robe youth on the bed is Lang Can, who is wearing a high gauze hat on his left hand side is the hero Han Xizai。On the two sides of the long case sit Han Xizai's friend Taichang Dr. Chen Zhiyong (bottom of the table) and Han Xizai's protege Zi Wei Lang Zhu Jun (top of the table)。


Gu Hongzhong (910~980), native of Jiangnan, was a figure painter in the Southern Tang Dynasty in the Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. He was once an imperial servant of the Southern Tang Painting Academy. He used round and strong brushstrokes, and turned with square brushstrokes to set rich colors, and was good at depicting the expressions and feelings of figures.。

"Han Xizai Night banquet Map" writing Southern Tang book servant Han Xizai night banquet。According to the record in Volume 7 of Xuanhe Painting Spectrum, Gu Hongzhong, with Zhou Wenqi and Gao Taichong, sneaked into Han Xizai's residence to explore its wild nightlife, and painted it with only the eyes and the mind。


The "Han Xizai Banquet Picture" describes a complete process of the Korean government's evening banquet, namely, pipa playing, dance watching, rest between the banquet, blowing and sending off the guests。

Paragraph 1: Pipa solo。There are many characters in this section, the scene is complex, the red robe young man on the bed is the new champion Lang Can, sitting on the left side of the champion is the hero Han Xizai, the woman playing the pipa is the sister of Li Jiaxing, the deputy of the teaching place, Li Jiaxing is on her left and turned to look at her。The two ends of the long case sat Han Xizai friend too often Dr. Chen Zhiyong and protege purple Wei Lang Zhu Mill. and pet prostitute weak orchid and Wang Wushan and so on。

Second section: six solo dance。It depicts Han Xizai standing next to a drum and beating it。Lang Can leaned sideways on the chair, while watching Han Xizai drumming, while enjoying the dance skills of Wangwu Mountain。Next to a plate youth, should be Han Xizai protege Shu ya。There is also a monk, Han Xizai friend Deming。

Paragraph 3: Take a nap between meals。Han is depicted sitting on his bed, washing his hands and talking to his maids。

Section 4: Wind ensemble。In this scene, Han is sitting cross-legged in a chair instead of a formal suit and waving a fan。Five musicians sit in a row, each with its own dynamic。Next to a man playing board sitting upright, with the rich variety of female players playing wind music in contrast。

Paragraph 5: Guest reward。This passage depicts the scene when the party ends and the guests leave one after another。Han Xizai stands in the middle of the two groups of characters, stretching out his left hand to wave hands, in the instant gratification of intoxicating life, implying Han Xizai's disappointment in life。

This work is in the form of a long colored scroll on silk, using scatter perspective to organize the picture in the way of a comic book。Han Xizai, the main character in the picture, appears in five pictures respectively, and the costumes, actions and expressions of each scene are not the same, but his form and personality are consistent。Screen and bed in the picture, have a special role, on the one hand played a separate picture, so that each picture independent chapter;On the other hand, it links all the pictures together so that the whole picture forms a unified picture。The work has also reached a very high level in the use of pen color and other aspects, with iron wire depiction, the clothing pattern of the characters is both neat and concise。Characters clothing with bold colors, red and green interspersed with each other, there are contrasts and echoes, the use of color is not much, but it appears rich and unified。If you look carefully, you can see that the embroidery pattern on the clothing is as fine as a hair, extremely fine。

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